Fresh48 Session Information

What is a Fresh48 session?

Babies change so quickly and the days immediately following birth are such a blur! Mama is busying recovering and adjusting to a new baby and it's hard to remember to get all the photos from Baby's first days. Fresh48 photography is a wonderful way to document Mama and Dada and Baby together in the hospital with professional photos.

As a new mom and dad, you should be focused on healing and relaxing and not worrying about making sure you get every photo on your phone. Let me take care of documenting those first yawns, special blankets, and tiny hats in professional, tasteful photos of your new family in the hospital together.

I serve all Chattanooga area hospitals, including Erlanger and Erlanger East, and Parkridge and Parkridge East, among others.

Discounts are available for booking a Fresh48 session in addition to a maternity session and/or newborn session. Let me know if you'd like to bundle sessions!

*May not be available at every hospital due to COVID restrictions.

Contact me for more details.

Would you like a free consultation to discuss a Fresh48 photo session? Message me now to get started!

I've selected a few of my favorite Fresh48 photos below.

newborn baby yawns on hospital sheets wrapped in an elephant blanket with blue hearts and a gret hat at fresh48 session
newborn baby girl in hospital isolette wrapped in pink blanket and floral bow headband at Fresh48 session
new dad has skin-to-skin with newborn son and baby holds dad's pinky in his tiny fist at Fresh48 session
new mama caresses newborn baby in hospital at fresh48 session
new dad shares skin-to-skin contact with newborn son in hospital at Fresh48 session
new dad shares skin-to-skin contact with newborn son in hospital at Fresh48 session
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Fresh48 Session FAQ

How many images will I get?

Babies and hospitals are unpredictable so it is hard to say but you will get all the best photos from your session in your gallery and my goal is to get as many as possible for you to cherish forever.

Hospital rooms are not the prettiest, how do you make sure we get good photos?

I know which lenses and settings to use to emphasize the important parts and blur the hospital-looking parts. I know how to use natural light and flash, if needed, to brighten dark hospital rooms without making them look harsh or unnatural.

I'm worried about how I'll look in photos after just giving birth.

Same, girl. Same. I focus primarily on baby and you only need to be in as many photos as you want. We can do closeups of you and Baby if you're into it or focus on things like Baby in your arms or Baby in the foreground and Mama blurred in the background. We don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with.

I still have questions.

No worries! Message me your question and I’ll get right back to you.